
Can digital marketing save your business?

Can digital marketing save your business?
Digital Marketing

Can digital marketing save your business?

This is a valid question that deserves to be answered.

Everyone is trying to find ways to keep their businesses going during these difficult economic times.

There are tried and true methods of digital marketing that have been proven to work. It’s a matter of figuring out what will work best for your business, tweaking it to get it just right, and watching your business explode in growth!

Let’s pause for a moment and ensure we are all on the same page.

It’s true! Digital marketing can be the lifeblood of your business. There’s more to it than a yes or no answer. I’ll dig deeper to cover the question along with the following natural questions you’re sure to have.

Are you ready?

Let’s get started!
So many businesses in 2021 are struggling and dying.
A large part of this is the pandemic.

However, in some cases, the pandemic has accelerated what was already inevitable for businesses and caused them to close their doors sooner.
Although it isn’t pretty, it is true.

It doesn’t have to be this way.
These are times when there is no other choice. Enormous challenges there are also
tremendous opportunities.

And figuring out how to seize the opportunity is the responsibility of every business owner.
It could be that you’ve made big mistakes in your business in the past.
You have the chance to fix them.

There has never been a better time to start the right track than now.
And going all-in on digital marketing is one of the best things you can do to save your business.

There are many aspects to consider.
digital marketing:
• Content marketing
• Search engine marketing
• Email marketing
• Online sales funnels
• Social media marketing
• More…
This is not something you can throw at a wall to see what sticks.
Some methods have been proven to work; you need to find the right recipe for your business.

And once you do that, the impact that digital marketing can have on your business is off the charts!

How digital marketing can benefit your business
Digital marketing helps your business by putting you in front of your dream customers wherever they may be.

This is an entirely different approach to traditional marketing, with direct mail, billboard advertising and magazine ads.

The internet has enabled almost every human being to connect online, as you can see.
I have made friends in Hong Kong and Europe, Australia, Bulgaria, Europe, Australia, and many other places, which I wouldn’t have met without the internet.

Our mutual interests have brought us together, and we’ve formed great friendships.
Your business can also do precisely the same thing!

It’s all about reaching beyond your expectations and reaching more people within your target audience, regardless of their location.

And it will even help you make more significant connections to your local dream customers too.
What number of people could you help in your community if they knew you?

Where traditional marketing tactics fail, digital marketing more than takes up the slack.
It can take your business to a new level of success.

Digital marketing could be a benefit to my business.

How digital marketing can benefit your business

Digital marketing helps your business by putting you in front of your dream customers wherever they may be.

This is an entirely different approach to traditional marketing, with direct mail, billboard advertising and magazine ads.

The internet has enabled almost every human being to connect online, as you can see.
I have made friends in Hong Kong and Europe, Australia, Bulgaria, Europe, Australia, and many other places, which I wouldn’t have met without the internet.

Our mutual interests have brought us together, and we’ve formed great friendships.
Your business can also do precisely the same thing!

It’s all about reaching beyond your expectations and reaching more people within your target audience, regardless of their location.

And it will even help you make more incredible connections to your local dream customers too.

What number of people could you help in your community if they knew you?

Where traditional marketing tactics fail, digital marketing more than takes up the slack.
It can take your business to a new level of success.

Digital marketing could be a benefit to my business.

This is how you should think about it.
If your business is a traditional brick and mortar business that’s relied on the standard, accepted ways of doing things, you’ve seen the results that deliver for you.

Advertising is expensive, and returns on ad investment are meagre.

Conversion rates are meagre and are seen mainly by cold audiences.
It’s like old school door-to-door sales.

You can knock on enough doors to eventually make a sale if you keep hitting.

How many rejections must you go through before you get the one sale?
How emotionally draining is that?
It’s hard to imagine doing similar things in your life. I’d say it was brutal.

Digital marketing makes everything different.

Let me ask you a question:

What is the value of your top salesman to your company?

If we’re following the 80/20 principle, you may have one salesperson who’s responsible for 80% of your sales.

Then, they get sick. They desire to go on vacation. They may even leave one day to find a better, more lucrative job elsewhere.

What if that salesperson could work 24/7/365 for you?

They never went on vacations or called in sick.

And they were constantly delivering their best pitch to your dream customers, non-stop?
It sounds great.

That is exactly what digital marketing is!

When you’ve got your digital marketing strategy dialed in the right, it’s like having your best Rockstar salesperson selling for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
What does this mean for your bottom line?

Digital marketing works for all businesses.

It’s probably the most common question in the digital marketing world.
It’s true; I see it every day.

These are the responses:
“I understand how it works, but I have a different business.”

Let me ask you:

Are your dream customers online?
Are they spending any time on Facebook?
What about Instagram?


If they are, then digital marketing can work for your business.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an interior designer or if you’re selling cars.

If your dream customers spend any time online, digital marketing can be the vehicle that takes your business to the next level.

Is digital marketing expensive?

Let me tell you a little secret.

Digital marketing doesn’t have to cost you anything!
Yes, that’s right.

You can get started doing digital marketing for your business online for free.
You don’t need to complicate the process.

It starts by simply figuring out who your dream customer is, what they’re struggling with, and how you can help them.

You then find out where they are online, and you can engage with them.

Answer their questions.

Comment on their posts via Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
You can build your name recognition and be everywhere.
Do it right, and you’ll have your sales funnel full of your dream customers in no time at all.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

The most significant advantage of digital marketing is that it removes boundaries and restrictions.

You can connect with people who fit your dream customer profile locally in your area and on the other side of the country.

You can even find us on the other side of this world!

There are no boundaries or borders that stop you from reaching your dream customer, wherever they may be.

It gives you the ability to stay in touch with your dream customers directly using email and social media, where you can continue to build relationships, demonstrate your value, and build trust.

It should be evident that this opens up new revenue streams for your company where there was none before.

What are the drawbacks of digital marketing

Here’s the deal

There is no disadvantage to digital marketing.

It takes some time to learn anything new. Once you have that setup, you can begin sending leads to your company on autopilot.

There may be some technical challenges you’ll need to overcome, but you can figure it out yourself, as so many others have done.

You could also seek out an expert to assist you in implementing what you have learned.
It all depends on your time and budget.

If you’ve got time, then learning how to do it yourself is the way to go.

It’s a good idea to learn the basics so that you can ask better questions and get better answers.

If you have the money, you can also “find the who, and not the how.”

What I mean by that is that you can accelerate your path by hiring an expert to build out the technology pieces you need to get things in place faster.

Regardless of your point of view, there are no disadvantages. Because the internet connects everyone, anyone can be connected.

The only thing left at this point is choosing the path that will work best for you where you’re at right now and then taking the next step.

Is digital marketing the future of marketing?

Let’s have some real talk for a moment.

Here’s something I’ve learned that’s a hard reality: Just because your business is online doesn’t mean it won’t die. But if your business isn’t online, you’re almost certainly going to see your business fail.

Sure, there may be an exception here or there for a very niche-type business that doesn’t have an online presence.

But even then, those businesses would benefit by establishing themselves online.
We’re not talking only about outliers.

This is the vast majority.

And if you’re a traditional business that isn’t online already, and you’ve managed to survive this far, first of all, congratulations!

You have done something that few people can do.

But we’re playing the long game here, and the future of business is online.

If you look at some of the biggest businesses in the world, they’re all online businesses.
• Amazon
• Google
• Facebook
The future of All Businesses is an online business. Innovative businesses know how to do this. Digital marketers are growing and building online businesses, and you’re implementing these strategies and tactics with great success.

If you want your business to survive and thrive in the future, you need to figure out how you can implement the best digital marketing offers for your business.

Next steps
If you’d like to take the next step in learning about the pillars of digital marketing, or if you’d like some help implementing what you’ve learned here, I want to invite you to join my free Facebook group, Digital Marketing Mastery – would love to have you over there.

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